
Public facing repository with information on Georgia Tech's Student Cluster Competition team.

This project is maintained by gt-chipc

Team Phoenix VIP Class

The Team Phoenix VIP class (section VWP) provides a structured opportunity for students to learn about high-performance computing topics and to participate in student cluster competitions at venues like Supercomputing and the International Supercomputing Conference.

See our 2021 Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Computing (UROC) presentation slides for some additional details!

NOTE: To sign up for this course you need to request a registration permit each semester using the VIP site. See more information here.

What is the goal of “Team Phoenix?”

We want to train teams for the national Supercomputing Student Cluster Competition (SCC), where you race against a 48-hour clock to assemble, evaluate, and manage the fastest and most reliable cluster you can given a specific power budget and occasional surprise power failures.

What skills do you need to join?

What majors are eligible?

What topics will you learn about in this course?

How is the course graded?